Brother Bowers was born February 12, 1969 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He grew up in Chambersburg, PA where he lived until he moved to Little Rock, AR in 1989 to
attend the Missionary Baptist Seminary. He was saved by the grace of God while attending Calvary MBC of Chambersburg, PA and was baptized in January, 1983. He surrendered to the call
to preach in October 1988. He married Julie D. Conrad on November 25, 1989. They have three children: Nate, born January 28, 1994; Nick, born August 21, 1995; and Hannah, born
September 20, 1997.
Brother Bowers earned a Bachelor of Bible Languages Degree and a Master in Theology Degree from
the Missionary Baptist Seminary. In his over 24 years of ministry, he pastored New Galilee MBC in Amity Arkansas (1992-1994) and our church since its beginning in 1994. He enjoys
spending time with his family, studying God’s Word, visiting with friends, and feeding the Lord's Flock. His hobbies are golfing, camping, riding go-karts, and sports (Especially football,
Go Steelers!).